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What We Believe

What We Believe

Our Statement of Faith

  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible word of GOD without the slightest possibility of error in the original autographs. Because we believe the Bible to be the word of GOD, we confess that it is the only saving revelation of GOD. Therefore, we reject any other claim of saving revelation from GOD, whatever it may be. See Isaiah 8:20.
  • For GRACE BIBLE CHURCH, the WORD OF GOD is the only RULE for our FAITH and PRACTICE. But, more than this we believe the message of this book, that the triune GOD - FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT - is the one true GOD. That the triune GOD is an infinitely Sovereign Spirit that encompasses eternity and rules over all things.
  • This GOD is the creator of all things and no creature at any time is ever, or shall ever be, outside of the immediate control and influence of the WILL of this Sovereign GOD. As incomprehensible as this may be, it must necessarily be if we truly believe the Bible to be the WORD of GOD, for it plainly declares that “whatsoever THE LORD pleaseth that DOETH HE”. “HE has created all things and, for HIS pleasure, they are and were created.” ALL THINGS! So that everything that comes to pass is ultimately the Will of GOD.
  • We believe that the theme of this book is one of Redemption. Redemption through the shed blood of GOD'S eternal SON, JESUS CHRIST. That GOD had decreed from before the foundation of the world to have a people for Himself who would be the objects of His Love and Grace in Jesus Christ. These are called the ELECT of GOD chosen in CHRIST before the foundation of the world out of Adam's ruined race. The ELECT of GOD are sinners like all men, vile and corrupt by a fallen nature, and without any redemptive qualities or virtue within themselves apart from grace and, like all men, only deserving of condemnation and wrath under the just judgment of GOD.
  • We believe in the DOCTRINES OF GRACE which rightly reflect the nature of man and the nature of GOD in the matters of Redemption. Man is Totally Depraved in his nature (including His imaginary free will). Therefore those who are elected to salvation in CHRIST are elected unconditionally.
  • The Atoning work of JESUS CHRIST was for the ELECT alone and none other. Because man is totally depraved and incapable of saving himself, GOD must irresistibly draw him to Himself. This is accomplished in the work of sanctification, whereby the SPIRIT of GOD works through the preaching of Jesus Christ and Him CRUCIFIED to give chosen sinners life and faith in the Savior.
  • The Child of GOD upon regeneration remains that way forever. He as a new creature in CHRIST cannot fall away, not because of what he does or does not do, but because of what CHRIST did at Calvary. HE accomplished eternal Redemption for His people and by it hath forever perfected those that are sanctified. This is the perseverance of the saints.
  • To sum up this brief commentary on our rule of faith and our doctrine of salvation, this is what we wish to make very clear: that salvation is the divine working of a Sovereign GOD who alone satisfied divine justice, established everlasting righteousness, and accomplished eternal redemption for His people by the cross of JESUS CHRIST. And, by the preaching of THIS SOVEREIGN GRACE, all of His elect shall be saved.