The Redemptive Application of Remembering
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 18, 2022
The CONFESSION of the Birth and Coming of the KING of Truth “Rejoice, IF you Have Heard His VOICE” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: John 18:36-40
December 18, 2022
The CONFESSION of the Birth and Coming of the KING of Truth “Rejoice, IF you Have Heard His VOICE” - Sunday Sermon
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Sunday Sermon Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: John 18:36–40
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December 11, 2022
“How Can This Be?” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Angelo Demma Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Luke 1:26-35
December 4, 2022
Call Him Jesus “For the Honor of His Name” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Michael Peterson Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 1:17-25
December 4, 2022
Call Him Jesus “For the Honor of His Name” - Sunday Sermon
Speaker: Michael Peterson Series: Sunday Sermon Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 1:17–25
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November 29, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Romans 14:1-23, James 1:6-8
November 27, 2022
SAMSON “Back in Love Again” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 16:4-20
November 22, 2022
The GLORY of GOD HIS PERSON(s) and WORK(s) - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
November 20, 2022
SAMSON “LORD I’m SORRY” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 16:1-3
November 18, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:12, Romans 8:29-30
November 13, 2022
SAMSON “I THIRST” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 15:11-20
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November 8, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Luke 24:36-38
November 6, 2022
“The Vineyard” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Angelo Demma Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Isaiah 5:1-7
October 30, 2022
“SAMSON, LOOSE HIM” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 15:11-19
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October 28, 2022
Sanctification “By GOD Unto GLORY” - FNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:14-24
October 25, 2022
"Made New For a Purpose" - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Timothy Voogd Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: James 1:18
October 23, 2022
SAMSON “BIND the STRONG MAN” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 15:6-19
October 18, 2022
Sanctification “By GOD Unto GLORY” Part 1 - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
October 16, 2022
SAMPSON’S REVENGE “For GOD’S GLORY” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 14:12-20, Judges 15:1-8
October 15, 2022
“WATCHMEN, what do you SEE?” - Men's Ministry Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Habakkuk 1-2
October 9, 2022
SAMSON Gets a WIFE “GOD gets the GLORY” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 14:1-20
October 7, 2022
Managing Righteous Anger “Through IMPRECATORY Prayer” Part 2 Messianic and Ecclesiastical - FNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Psalm 109:1-15
October 4, 2022
Managing Righteous Anger “Through IMPRECATORY Prayer” Part 1 - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 19:11, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Ephesians 4:26-27
October 2, 2022
SAMPSON “The FRUIT of FAITH for the GLORY of GOD” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 13:1-24
September 25, 2022
The Light of Christ’s Fullness that Overcomes “Grace GREATER than All our Sins” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: John 8:2-11
September 20, 2022
“Jesus Knows” - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Michael Peterson Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-16
September 18, 2022
Jephthah, “The Judge Who Made a VOW” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 11:1-10, 29-40
September 13, 2022
“I’D Rather BESEECH you” The HUMILITY of THE SLAVE - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Philemon 1:1-13
September 11, 2022
ABIMELECH The ANTI-CHRIST “TheyCHOSE” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 9:1-21
September 4, 2022
GIDEON says, “I AM NOT THE CHRIST” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 8:13-29
September 2, 2022
The Culture War; Fighting the Good Fight - FNBS Outline
Speaker: Patrick Kiboneka Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Ephesians 6:12
August 30, 2022
“A RUNAWAY SLAVE Returns” - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Philemon 1:1-12
August 28, 2022
“The SWORD of the LORD And GIDEON” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 7:20-25, Judges 8:1-4, 10
August 21, 2022
GIDEON “The TRIUMPH of ONE MAN, Introduction” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 7:15-25
August 19, 2022
“A Few Words on Anxiety” - FNBS Outline
Speaker: Timothy Voogd Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Philippians 4:6-7
August 19, 2022
“A Few Words on Anxiety” - FNBS
Speaker: Timothy Voogd Series: Friday Night Bible Study Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Philippians 4:6–7
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August 7, 2022
GIDEON “Too Many for My GLORY” - Sunday Service Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 7:1-8
August 2, 2022
“AND Then that WICKED one Shall be Revealed…” - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:8
July 31, 2022
GIDEON and “The Work of the SPIRIT in the Assurance of Victory” - Sunday Service Outlines
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 6:37-39
July 24, 2022
GIDEON “Repentance Before Restoration” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 6:24-32
July 23, 2022
“WORKING on ME while WAITING on HIM” The DUAL task of MARY and MARTHA harmonized AGAIN - WTC Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: John 13:1-11
July 22, 2022
Apologetics 101; Defending the Gospel unto Salvation - FNBS Outline
Speaker: Patrick Kiboneka Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 Peter 3:15
July 19, 2022
“A Few Words about Suffering” - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Timothy Voogd Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:6-7
July 19, 2022
"A Few Words About Suffering" - Tuesday Night Bible Study
Speaker: Timothy Voogd Series: Tuesday Night Bible Study Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 Peter 1:6-7
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July 17, 2022
“The Bridegroom and His Bride” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Angelo Demma Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Philippians 4:8-9
July 10, 2022
GIDEON The JUDGE “THINK it THROUGH” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 6:11-24
July 5, 2022
The COMING of CHRIST “Against ANTI-Christ FOR his ELECT SAKE” - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16
July 3, 2022
“In Defense of the Family of God” Truth and Love - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Tyler Milliken Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 John :1-13
July 3, 2022
“In Defense of the Family of God” Truth and Love - Sunday Sermon
Speaker: Tyler Milliken Series: Sunday Sermon Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 John 1:1–13
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July 2, 2022
CREATED to Collaborate with God in Christ! “His Workmanship” - Conference Outline (Deacon Steven)
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Ephesians 2:4-10
July 2, 2022
“Mercy for Mercenaries” The Mercy of God - Conference Outline (Tyler)
Speaker: Tyler Milliken Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:1-20
July 1, 2022
A Special Position “The Importance of Service" - Conference Outline (Elder Angelo)
Speaker: Angelo Demma Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Mark 10:45
July 1, 2022
“We Must Work...While It Is Day!” - Conference Outline (Deacon Mike P.)
Speaker: Michael Peterson Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: John 9:1-5
June 26, 2022
GIDEON, “Thou MIGHTY man of VALOR” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 6:1-21
June 21, 2022
“The MYTH that man’s will is FREE to do anything He wants is not biblical” - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 12:33-37
June 19, 2022
DEBORAH’S Song of Praise “Demands we praise Him Also” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 5:19-31
June 18, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: John 11:1-7
June 12, 2022
DEBORAH the JUDGE, “A SONG of PRAISE to GOD” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 5:1-16
June 7, 2022
“To Know God and Make God Known” Our Glorious Privilege and Responsibility - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Michael Peterson Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 John 1:1-7
June 5, 2022
“The Great Supper” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Angelo Demma Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Luke 14:15-24
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June 3, 2022
“To Know God and Make God Known” Our Glorious Privilege and Responsibility - FNBS Outline
Speaker: Michael Peterson Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 John 1:1-7
May 29, 2022
DEBORAH “The Exceptional Ruler” Part 2 - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 4:14-24
May 22, 2022
DEBORAH “ The Exceptional Ruler - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 5:1-16
May 19, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 24:4-5
May 15, 2022
SHAMGAR “The OXGOAD Victory of CHRIST” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 5:1-8, Judges 3:31
May 8, 2022
“EHUD – I Have a SECRET for YOU” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 3:12-30
May 1, 2022
OTHNIEL “A Bride, A Business, A Battle, A Blessing” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:21-30, Judges 3:1-11
April 30, 2022
“WORKING on ME while WAITING on HIM” The DUAL task of MARY and MARTHA harmonized - Women's Theology Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Philippians 1:12-13
April 24, 2022
The JUDGES: A Single SAVIOR MOTIF - "FIGHTS of FAITH for His GLORY” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Judges 1:1-8, 17-18, Judges 2:1-4, Judges 3:9-11
April 23, 2022
Biblical Manhood/Masculinity True Christlikeness The Man of FAITH, FAMILY, and FINANCES -
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 19:11
April 22, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20
April 17, 2022
A Fourfold Resurrection “In Christ” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-23
April 14, 2022
The Savoring and Satisfying Meal of Mercy “The Lord’s Table” Part 2 - THNBS (Adult) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Luke 22:15-20
April 14, 2022
The Savoring and Satisfying Meal of Mercy “The Lord’s Table” Part 2 - THNBS (Children) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Luke 22:15-20
April 12, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 15:10
April 10, 2022
JONAH or JESUS, The Love of God in Christ to Sinners Part 10 “The END of the LAW for RIGHTEOUSNESS, again” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jonah 4:4-11, Romans 8:3-4
April 7, 2022
The Savoring and Satisfying Meal of MERCY “The Lord’s Table” - THNBS (Adult) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Luke 22:15-20
April 7, 2022
The Savoring and Satisfying Meal of MERCY “The Lord’s Table” - THNBS (Children's) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Luke 22:15-20
April 5, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 15:7
April 3, 2022
The LORD’S TABLE “The Table of Which We Eat” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 26:20-29
March 29, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 15:4
March 27, 2022
The BOUNTIFUL Blessing of BAPTISM “The Believer’s Cleansing” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-17
March 25, 2022
Choice WORDS The WISE vs. The FOOL “Discrimination NEEDED” - FNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 15:2
March 24, 2022
God’s Providence in the Preparation of the Body and Blood “Of the New Covenant” - Part 3 - THNBS (Adult) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 26:14-26
March 24, 2022
God’s Providence in the Preparation of the Body and Blood “Of the New Covenant” - Part 3 - THNBS (Children) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 26:14-25
March 22, 2022
The WORD of WISDOM “The Choice WORDS of GOD” - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 15:1b
March 21, 2022
Monday Night Prayer for THNBS - Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Philippians 1:1-6
March 20, 2022
JONAH or JESUS, The Love of GOD in Christ to Sinners “A Shadow of Things to COME” Part 9 - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jonah 4:1-5
March 18, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 15:1a
March 16, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Revelation 22
March 15, 2022
The WORD of WISDOM “The Choice WORDS of GOD” - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Proverbs 15
March 6, 2022
JONAH or JESUS, The Love of GOD in Christ to Sinners “The Preaching of DEATH unto LIFE” Part 7 - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 12:34-41, Jonah 2:1-5, 10
March 3, 2022
God’s Providence in the Preparation of the Body and Blood “Of the New Covenant” Part 1 - THNBS (Adult) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 26:1-25
March 3, 2022
God’s Providence in the Preparation of the Body and Blood “Of the New Covenant” Part 1 - THNBS (Children's) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 26:1-25
March 2, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Ephesians 5:13, 1 Thessalonians 5:21
February 27, 2022
JONAH or JESUS, The Love of GOD in Christ “The Prayer of Revelation and Restoration” Part 6 - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jonah 1:17, Jonah 2:1-10
February 25, 2022
OUR FATHER The HIERARCHY of Prayer “By His Son(s) Through HIS SON” - FNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 6:10-14
February 24, 2022
God’s Providence in the Preparation of the Body and Blood “Of the New Covenant” - THNBS (Adult's) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 26:1-25
February 24, 2022
God’s Providence in the Preparation of the Body and Blood “Of the New Covenant” - THNBS (Children's) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 26:1-25
February 22, 2022
“The Cross-Centered Ministry of Christ and His Body” The Overcomer of the GREATEST Conspiracy - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Luke 23:34-43
February 20, 2022
JONAH or JESUS, The Love of GOD in Christ “Have it your way!” Part 5 - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jonah 1:15-17, Jonah 2:1-6
February 15, 2022
JONAH or JESUS “Lessons on the LOVE of GOD in Christ” The LOT Fell on JONAH Part 4 - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jonah 1:4-7
February 13, 2022
JONAH or JESUS, Lessons on the LOVE of GOD in Christ “There’s ONLY ONE Way” Part 3 - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jonah 1:11-17
February 11, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jonah 1:6-12
February 10, 2022
The Necessity and Nature of the NEW Covenant “The Covenant of Grace PROPHECIED” Cont'd - THNBS (Adult) Outlines
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34
February 10, 2022
The Necessity and Nature of the NEW Covenant “The Covenant of Grace PROPHECIED” Cont'd - THNBS (Children's) Outlines
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34
February 9, 2022
“ALL THINGS COVID” #12 - Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:4
February 8, 2022
JONAH or JESUS “He is the TRUTH of GOD” Part 2 - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jonah 1:8-10
February 6, 2022
JONAH or JESUS “Lessons on the LOVE of GOD in Christ” Part 1 - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jonah 1:1-12
February 5, 2022
CASTING ALL your CARES UPON HIM “For HE is CARING For YOU” - Exemplary Men's Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1-11
February 3, 2022
The Necessity and Nature of the NEW Covenant “The Covenant of Grace PROPHECIED” - THNBS (Adult) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34
February 3, 2022
The Necessity and Nature of the NEW Covenant “The Covenant of Grace PROPHECIED” - THNBS (Children) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34
February 2, 2022
ALL THINGS COVID #11 - Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 24:19
February 1, 2022
The MARK of CAIN "The Non-Elect vs. the Elect" - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Genesis 4:11-26
January 30, 2022
AM I MY BROTHER’S KEEPER? “A Word from the CONSCIENCE and the CROSS” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Genesis 4:1-16
January 27, 2022
The Promise of an Everlasting Kingdom “The Davidic Covenant” Part 3 - THNBS (Adults) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1-17
January 27, 2022
The Promise of an Everlasting Kingdom “The Davidic Covenant” Part 3 - THNBS (Childrens) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1-17
January 23, 2022
LOVE YOUR ENEMIES “By Speaking the TRUTH in LOVE” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Matthew 5:43-48
January 20, 2022
The Promise of an Everlasting Kingdom "The Davidic Covenant" (Part 2) - THNBS (Adult) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1-17, Psalm 89
January 20, 2022
The Promise of an Everlasting Kingdom "The Davidic Covenant" (Part 2) - THNBS (Children) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1-17, Psalm 89
January 19, 2022
“ALL THINGS COVID” #10 - Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Ephesians 5:11
- Downloads
January 18, 2022
The ELOHIM vs. the NEPHILIM “The New Adams FAMILY” - TNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Genesis 6:1-13
January 16, 2022
“FEAR” Is what GOD has NOT given us, and WHY? - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:1-10
January 13, 2022
The Promise of an Everlasting Kingdom "The Davidic Covenant" (Part 1) - THNBS (Adult) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1-17
January 13, 2022
The Promise of an Everlasting Kingdom "The Davidic Covenant" (Part 1) - THNBS (Children) Outline
Speaker: Steven Clough Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1-17
January 12, 2022
All Things COVID #9 - WNBS Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Hosea 4:6
January 11, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: John 7:37-38
January 9, 2022
REMEMBER the WORD “Unto YOUR SERVANT” - Sunday Sermon Outline
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Psalm 119:49-50
January 4, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: John 7:37-43
January 2, 2022
Speaker: Jesse Gistand Series: Teaching Outline Topic: The Redemptive Application of Remembering Scripture: Psalm 25:1-22 (14)